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About Us

We are a team of experienced software developers who specialize in providing innovative solutions to businesses of all sizes. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the latest technologies, we help our clients stay ahead of the curve and achieve their goals.

IT Project Planning

Our Project Planning software simplifies the IT project planning from individual contractors up to large companies due to its scalability.

You you define tasks for an employee within a project and they will be automatically arranged in the schedule based on the time requirement for the tasks, the working time of the employee for every week day, considering vacations and holidays as well as possible project interruptions.

A manual assignment of the tasks to single days is therefore no longer needed and later insertion of additional tasks is easily possible – the re-arrangement of tasks as needed will be calculated by the software automatically.

Contact us today to learn more about our IT project planning solution.

Employee Management

All employees and contractors need to be only created in the employee management section of the software once.

Here you can define the working hours of that employee per week day as well as individual vacation periods and official holidays. The latter can be shared between different employees.

Project Management

Your projects are defined in the project management section.

This allows you to define a start date of the project, assign employees which you previously added in the employee management section and define possible project interruptions.

Furthermore, some illustration related settings for this project can be set here as well.


Pricing is based on the number of employees and projects that will be managed with our project planning product:

1 Employee3 Employees5 Employees10 Employees
1 Project300 €500 €1,000 €1,500 €
3 Projects500 €1,000 €1,500 €2,000 €
5 Projects1,000 €1,500 €2,000 €2,500 €
10 Projects1,500 €2,000 €2,500 €3,000 €

Pricing for more employees and/or projects is provided upon request.

Please contact us with your specific needs and we will come back with an individual offer within 24 hours on working days.

Refund Policy

If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, within 14 days from the purchase date, we will fully refund the cost of your order.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us in case you have any further questions.

Contact Us

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An offer by AB-Tools GmbH.
Address: Marsstraße 78 · 80338 Munich · Germany
Phone: +49 89 38898588 · Fax: +49 89 38898589
E-mail: info@it-project-planning.com

Managing Director: Andreas Breitschopp
Commercial Register HRB 202859 · Local District Court Munich
VAT ID DE268720895 · Finance Office Munich for Corporations
Grenke Bank AG · IBAN: DE49201304000060270139 · BIC: GREBDEH1XXX

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